And what do I do
Hi I’m Davide, born in Verona.
I come from the food service field ,and since I was young I always wanted to experience and professionally develop.
Throughout the years my passion for coffee bar refreshment has exploded, to the point I started wishing to convey my own passion to other people.
That brings me,after many years of experience,to make the choice to commit to Advicing and Training in the world of coffee.
From 2011 I’m committed to Training in Italy as well as abroad (Asia, Middle East, North Europe are some of the areas in which I worked).
On 2015 I became a SCA Official Trainer for the Modules pertaining Barista Skills, Brewing, Green Coffee, Sensory Skills and Roasting, furthermore I have been SCA Italy Education Coordinator and I actively took part in each event we organized in Italy and worldwide for 4 years.
On may 2022 i have been elected as SCA Italy National Coordinator with a clear mission: Let the Specialty Coffee become more popular and spread the meaning of SC to the mass.
2023? Still remaining on SCA Italy NC position, I’m going to take also a position Roasting Guild advisory council as board of directors.
“A busy guy, in the name of quality”

CTA Courses
Through my school Coffee Training Academy I aim to spread the culture of great coffee and the techniques to extract the best out of each and every single grain,transmitting passion and interest in the student,allowing him to become a REAL professional and a quality enthusiast.
The Training Academy consists of two different aspects, one consisting in itinerant experiences in roasting estabilishment and/or bar-coffee shops, the other being made up of scholastic training in Italy and abroad.
I’ve experienced for many years in Asia, Europe and Middle East.
Italian Champion
As 2020 started I was crowned as Italian Roasting Champion in Sigep/Rimini that was a great experience to show my knowledge as Roaster and represent Italy at world stage level. In 2022 I finished 7th at the World Roasting Championship, and grateful for this occasion to serve as ambassador for the Italian coffee scene at world level.

WCE Judge
I took part in five Barista’s Italian Championship (WBC circuit) achieving important results.
On 2014 I became National Judge for Baristi, Latte Art and Brewers Cup, moreover I hold office as a judge in some of the most prestigious National Finals of other foreign countries (Slovakia, Greece, Austria, Portugal, etc) belonging to the WBC and Latte Art circuit.
From February 2015 I’ve become a Certified International Judge for World Coffee Events, in the World Barista Championship.
Part of my job is to counsel and train the Competitors willing to aim high in the rankings, in 2015 Alessio Vabres has achieved the 5th place overall at the Italian National Finals as Veronika Galova reached the 3rd place at Slovakian National Finals under my guidance.
2017-2018-2019 with Simone Cattani (Italian Ibrik/Cezve Champion) and on 2020 with Niki Di Landa as first at the Italian Coffee Championship.

The world in a cup of Coffee” Davide's blog speaks out "

" Passion for coffee and teaching always put into the foreground "